We are building a Greener India

At G&B, environmental sustainability is in our DNA. It is the way we see the world, which in turn informs our strategy, business and manufacturing processes, the products and services we offer to ensure we protect the ecology and ecosystems in which we operate.

At our manufacturing plants, we have as relentless a focus on environmental sustainability as we have on productivity. To strengthen our approach, we have invested in technological solutions that have revolutionised the speed and accuracy of data monitoring. It has enabled us to map, understand and analyse our complete environmental footprint, from raw materials to finished goods, across our factories. Our strategy to achieve our sustainability goals includes initiatives ranging from energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management and greenhouse gases reduction to promoting certified green buildings, factories and products.

Our Green Goals

We aim to ensure that by reducing, reusing, recycling and harvesting water in our manufacturing processes and workspace, we reduce water consumption by 40% and replenish a higher quantum of water than we utilise. We have exceeded the target of reducing water consumption and have achieved our target of becoming water positive in 2016.

We are focussed on a dual objective of reducing hazardous waste by 50% and sending zero non-hazardous waste to landfill. We are close to achieving this target through implementation of an end-to-end recycling programs for non-hazardous and solid waste material and ensuring zero waste goes to landfill. More than 99% of our waste is currently diverted from landfill.

We aim to increase the energy efficiency of each product we manufacture by re-engineering our processes to reduce energy consumption by 40%. We have exceeded this target.

We aspire to reduce and offset carbon emissions to have Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2021.

We aim to increase our reliance on energy from renewable sources like solar, wind and biomass by 30%, in our manufacturing plants and workspace. We invest in clean technology solutions and green power.

Our Progress

  • Goal for 2020-21
    Achivement to date
  • Reduce specific water consumption by 40%
    56% reduction in specific water consumption*
  • Have a positive water balance
    Water positive since 2016*
  • Reduce specific hazardous waste by 50%
    40% reduction in hazardous waste*
  • Send zero non-hazardous waste to landfill
    99.5 % waste diverted from landfill
  • Reduce specific energy consumption by 40%
    45% reduction in specific energy consumption*
  • Increase renewable energy sources by 30%
    12% of our energy consumption is from renewable sources*

*The progress achieved by our factories in improving environmental sustainability performance is compared to a 2010-11 baseline. Data as of March 2020

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G&B manages its extended responsibility for end-of-life e-waste generated due to sale and use of its consumer electronics products through proper channelization and scientifically recycling. The Company ensures it offsets its plastic use in packaging that gets released into the market with its products sale across India. Parallelly, G&B has adopted the 3R approach of Reduce, Replace and Recycle by prioritising on reducing the consumption of plastic in packaging material, substitute non-recyclable plastic material with recyclable type, channelize the waste materials for recycling and offset the waste at the end of useful life striving towards being a plastic neutral company.


Biodiversity management that began as Godrej family’s philanthropy is now integrated into organization’s policy, processes and infrastructure management. G&B has a Corporate Environment Policy which explicitly mentions "protection, conservation and enhancement of green cover and biodiversity". G&B has established dedicated support services such for Environmental Sustainability, Green Cover Management and Wetlands (Mangroves) conservation to translate its policy into action and outputs. These teams follow same qualitative and quantitative processes, performance indicators and monitoring mechanisms to ensure business like outcomes. The biodiversity management initiatives considers Godrej's commitments as a responsible corporate citizen under various certifications and initiatives such as CII - India Business & Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI).

Biodiversity management in our campus is approached by

• Increase in green cover, indigenous species and biodiversity index of the campus

• Stringent pollution monitoring and control mechanisms with performance indicators

• ‘Beyond the Compliance’ approach for biodiversity management

• Active engagement of internal and external stakeholders in environment management and community development

Substantial area of Godrej campus in Vikhroli is covered by mangrove ecosystem. The Vikhroli mangroves, one of the largest mangrove forests in Maharashtra, stores more than 9,50,000 tonnes of carbon, mostly from pollutants that humans release into the atmosphere. One of the main features of mangrove trees is that they sequester more carbon than most of the terrestrial plants. Due to proper protection, over the years, the green cover has increased, which is why the biodiversity of the area is also increasing.

Godrej mangrove boasts of 16+ mangrove and mangrove associate species, 82 butterfly species, 45+ spider species, 208+ bird species, 75+ insect species, 13 crab species, 7 prawn species and 20 fish species and several other terrestrial and coastal species. The terrestrial flora of Godrej campus has been documented, conserved and enhanced over the decades. Mangrove management is based on three-pronged approach of Research, Conservation and Awareness (for more information visit www.mangroves.godrej.com).

Godrej's Pirojshanagar Township, inhabited and used by 50,000 + employees, residents and visitors every day, spread across Vikhroli in Mumbai is a role model of integrated sustainable habitat with thriving floral and faunal diversity or 1000+ species found in hundreds of hectares of mangrove forest thriving along with industrial plants, commercial offices, schools, hospital and residential colonies with abundant green spaces.

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