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CSR Action Plan for FY 2021-22

CSR 2021-22

In line with our CSR policy and the national priority for the year, our FY 21-22 CSR plan shall focus on three critical areas:
1. COVID outreach
2. Ensuring Employability
3. Community Development

COVID Outreach

As the COVID 19 pandemic continues to ravage the world like in FY20-21, FY 21-22 too a substantial budget has been allocated for COVID Outreach – relief, restoration, and rehabilitation work. In line with the national and regional priorities, fund will be utilized for supporting local hospitals, Primary Health Centres to strengthen their Covid response and treatment procedures: Support for community level Covid vaccinations in rural parts of India: Projects on post Covid rehabilitation like restoring livelihood and special projects for bridging learning outcome gap in schools.

For the year, our COVID Outreach projects will focus on

1) Supporting PHCs, Rural hospitals (RH) with Critical medical equipment, healthcare furniture, PPEs, and operational for running Isolation Centres and Covid Care Centres.
2) Supporting the world’s largest vaccination program- The company shall support projects for strengthening of cold chain and logistics for community level vaccination in villages around its factories. Equitable access to Covid19 vaccine for underprivileged and unreached communities shall be made available through mobile vaccination clinics.
3) Restoring livelihood project- Projects to connect back youth whose livelihood got impacted by COVID to regular employment in organised segment.
4) Education continuity- For children who missed regular school during the pandemic, projects shall be taken up to reduce the digital divide and bridge the learning outcome gap.
Target Locations : All G&B factory locations

Godrej DISHA – Ensuring Employability

Through collaboration with non-profit organizations and social enterprises, Godrej DISHA will continue training in vocational skills relevant to our businesses. These include sales, service, interiors, building construction, manufacturing, and technical training. Special projects batches on digital skills inclusion will be taken covering topics like IOT, Industry 4.0, Process digitization ,Robotics and Automation, Business Analytics tools, Working with Smart Machines and training on E-COM, Digital Marketing.
Location : Pan India.

Community Development:

In this challenging time, we are committed to standing with the communities in which we operate. Our Community Development programs will continue in all regions with an added scope of COVID awareness campaigns support to local authorities for screening, testing, and creating isolation facilities.

Further, we shall continue to work on our four focus areas of community development:

• Education:

We will continue working on school infrastructure development projects for improving the WASH facilities, creating new classrooms for better student - teacher ratio, brighter, better, and safer learning environment. Efforts will continue to improve learning outcomes with provision of e-learning facilities, science and computer labs, English learning program and teachers’ capacity building to adapt to new teaching methods for deployed of new education policy.
Locations: Khalapur, Shirwal, Madkai & Haridwar

• Environment:

We will continue working on projects related to water recharge, water body rejuvenation, wastewater management and support to afforestation activities.
Locations: Khalapur, Shirwal, Mohali & Chennai

• Health & Sanitation:

The Pandemic has highlighted the need to work on Health and Sanitation issues on an urgent basis. Therefore, for the year, we shall continue our work on projects such as Child Growth Monitoring, Preventive Healthcare for Women, access to safe drinking water, community-based solid water management and wastewater management, with a renewed vigour.
Locations: Khalapur, Shirwal, Haridwar & Dahej

• Livelihood:

The Pandemic, due to its large-scale impact on economic activities, is likely to limit the livelihood generation capacity of many households. Our CSR program will continue to support communities around us by working on projects related to income enhancement for farmers and other vulnerable communities. This program will assist the creation of new small scale enterprise for youth , women-led enterprises and ensure continued support for small scale enterprises created in the past.
Locations: Khalapur, Shirwal, Mohali, Haridwar, Vadodara & Dahej

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